The Most Beautiful Part of a Woman's Body, 1986
11 x 14 Silver Gelatin Photograph, Ed. 25

All Things Mellow in the Mind, 1986
11 x 14 Silver Gelatin Photograph, Ed. 25

Dr. Heisenberg's Magic Mirror of Uncertainty, 1998
(6) 5 x 7 Silver Gelatin Photographs, Ed. 25

Magritte with Hat, 1965
11 x 14 Silver Gelatin Photograph, Ed. 25

Collage Portrait of Rauschenberg in His Studio, 1962
8 x 10 Unique Silver Gelatin Photograph with Collage

Salvation, 1984
20 x 16 Silver Gelatin Photograph, Ed. 25

A Man Dreaming in the City, 1969
5 x 7-1/2 Silver Gelatin Photograph, Ed. 25

A Woman Dreaming in the City, 1968
8 x 10 Silver Gelatin Photograph, Ed. 25

The Young Girl's Dream, 1969
(5) 5 x 7 Silver Gelatin Photographs, Ed. 25

Inappropriate Desire, 1986
11 x 14 Silver Gelatin Photograph with Hand Applied Text, Ed. 25

David Hockney with Friend, 1975
7 x 5 Silver Gelatin Photograph, Ed. 25

The Price of Pleasure, 2003-05
(8) 5 x 7 Silver Gelatin Photographs, Ed. 25

Balthus and Setsuko, 2000
11 x 14 Silver Gelatin Photograph, Ed. 25

There Are Things Here Not Seen in This Photograph, 1977
11 x 14 Silver Gelatin Photograph, Ed. 25

Black is Ugly, 1974
6-11/16 x 10 Silver Gelatin Photograph, Ed. 25

Joseph Cornell, 1972
6-1/2 x 10 Silver Gelatin Photograph, Ed. 25

The Fallen Angel, 1968
(8) 5 x 7 Silver Gelatin Photographs, Ed. 25

Dr. Duanus' Famous Magic Act, 1996
11 x 14 Silver Gelatin Photograph, Ed. 25

Rene Magritte (Profile and Full Face), 1965
11 x 14 Silver Gelatin Photograph, Ed. 25

Now Becoming Then, 1978
11 x 14 Silver Gelatin Photograph, Ed. 25

The Kentucky Kid, 2001
(10) 5 x 7 Silver Gelatin Photographs, Ed. 25

Certain Words Must Be Said, 1976
16 x 20 Silver Gelatin Photograph, Ed. 25

Magritte Asleep, 1965
11 x 14 Silver Gelatin Photograph, Ed. 25

The Universe of Universes, 1998
(6) 5 x 7 Silver Gelatin Photographs, Ed. 25

Many Moons, 1989
7 x 9-3/4 Silver Gelatin Photograph, Ed. 25

Rene & Georgette Magritte Holding Hands Behind a Tree, 1965
11 x 14 Silver Gelatin Photograph, Ed. 25

Nude Observed, 1968
11 x 14 Silver Gelatin Photograph, Ed. 25

Paul Cadmus, August 4, 1992
11 x 14 Silver Gelatin Photograph, Ed. 25

Now That I Am Old, 2005
11 x 14 C-Print, Ed. 25

The Vanity of Animals, 2004
11 x 14 Silver Gelatin Photograph, Ed. 25

Alone at Midnight, September 27, 2005
11 x 14 C-Print, Ed. 25

Alone at Midnight, September 27, 2005
11 x 14 C-Print, Ed. 25

The Courtesan Was Shocked, September 10, 2005
11 x 14 C-Print, Ed. 25

Masculine Beauty, Feminine Beauty, September 20, 2005
11 x 14 C-Print, Ed. 25

In the Darkness of Dusk, October 22, 2005
11 x 14 C-Print, Ed. 25

An Unexpected Gift, August 2, 2005
11 x 14 C-Print, Ed. 25

The Frog Sits and Meditates All Day, September 16, 2005
11 x 14 C-Print, Ed. 25

The Last Rose of Summer, September 11, 2005
11 x 14 C-Print, Ed. 25