Just Between Us
April 11, 2002 through May 18, 2002
Opening Reception Thursday, April 11, 7-9 pm
The Fahey/Klein Gallery is pleased to present an exhibition of bold new photographs from Greg Gorman. His highly charged new work focuses on one subject, Greg Knudson, in an unusual collaboration between the photographer and model. These photographs, unmatched for their candor and sexuality, are illustrated in Gorman's newest book, Just Between Us (Arena Editions, 2002).
"Obsession, attraction, and desire are all elements I associate with photographs that inspire me…As art imitates life and vice versa, why is it not conceivable that art can represent life in all its forms without being pigeonholed and positioned? With the camera as an extension of the artist's senses, can one not accept the recorded images as a fractional excerpt from life itself, albeit that the capture has been a manipulation between photographer and subject? As with paintings and sculpture, one is led to acknowledge the artist's interpretation and react accordingly. Because these two mediums represent imagery outside the precepts of reality, due precisely to the materials utilized in their creation, one is not so easily offended. The tangible reality of the photographic image, however, is much more difficult to address. There is an undeniable honesty about a photograph that doesn't exist in other mediums. It is precisely this honesty that critics shudder to acknowledge." (Greg Gorman, "Just Between Us", Arena Editions, 2002) What unfolds is a photographic narrative unfettered by conventional and popular mores.
"How far does a male model need to go these days? Just Between Us answers this question with obsession, wit, and passion…elegant, dirty and loaded with images that will make you gasp." John Waters.
Gorman is known for his well-crafted portraits and sensuous male and female nudes. Over the past two decades he has obsessively carved out a classically refined style in his celebrity portraits and nudes with his atmospheric lighting and unabashed sense of glamour and eroticism.
This exhibition contains sexuality explicit photographs, which may not be suitable for all audiences.
Gallery Hours: Tuesday through Saturday, 10am to 6pm.